I had a dream about a turtle. It was very clear, nice and soothing and I knew it was significant. I read that sometimes animals can appear to you and they’re there to give you a message. So I’m trying to figure out what the turtle in my dream was there for.

“Recently I’ve seriously started my journey on the Pagan Path. Always been interested but latterly I felt the need to learn more. So, I’ve been reading a lot and the other night I had this dream about a turtle. It was very clear , nice and soothing, and and when I woke up I knew it was significant. I looked up and read that it could be a good sign of something positive coming to your life and also that sometimes animals or “power animals” can appear to you and they are there to give you a message. Trying to figure out what the turtle in my dream was there for. Just wanted to know what you think about that, what is your take. Thank you for taking time to read me. Blessed be.”

You’ve probably encountered your spirit guide. Spirit guides often show up to us in dreams and often as animals. Turtles are strong representations of guides, they represent wisdom, patience, knowledge, power, long life, and sharp instincts. If the turtle does represent your spirit guide, then lucky you! It’s usually you who has to go and search for them, and not usually them showing up to you, unless you call for them and they show in dreams or during meditation.

The turtle was probably just letting you know, “Hey, I’m here!” Unless it said something or showed you something during the dream then it would of just been a messenger, otherwise, it’s probably going to be there for you – to watch you, guide you, and help you. In many Chinese and Shaman traditions the turtle represents many of the qualities I’ve mentioned and to dream about them or have a vision of turtles is a positive and good omen and sign, and it means the opposite if you see it upside down on its back.

If the turtle hasn’t showed up in your dreams again lately, what you could do is put yourself in a deep meditation and take yourself to your special place. Relax and concentrate. Call out to your spirit guide, or the turtle if you know he’s not your spirit guide. Reach out to the turtle, touch it, feel it. Ask it why it appeared to you and engage with the turtle. When you’ve gotten your answers bid the turtle farewell and come out of meditation and reflect on what’s happened and what you’ve just gone through, seen, and heard. The turtle might not come to you on the first try, but eventually it will.


Blessed Be

I know Wicca is not for me, could you provide any knowledge on a more natural magic path, or even elemental? Animals, trees and nature that I can worship and dedicate to?

“I’ve lost my way on the path, or really more taking another path as I’m evolving with my knowledge. I know Wicca is not for me, There’s lots of it that I can’t follow, don’t believe in, so it would be false of me to say Yes I’m wiccan for the sake of a label. What i’m asking is could you provide any knowledge on a more natural magic path, or even elemental? Animals, trees and nature that I can worship and dedicate to but I just can’t enough information on that kind of path.”

Witchcraft as a practice can be very elemental, as well as Paganism. As a Pagan, I use the energies of the elements and everything nature when I do ritual. I form a circle of stones or use branches. I include stones, crystals, leafs, flowers, feathers, animal bones, a representation of every element, and of course herbs.

If you want to really be connected with nature and Earth, plant a tree and watch it grow. As it grows, so does your energy and connection to it. You can plant flowers and herbs around the tree as well. If you can’t plant a tree, then even a small plant will do. The point is that you have something that connects you with nature and the Earth – something that is of the earth. There are several exercises, mini-rituals (picking up stones, branches, plants, flowers, etc.), and ways you can strengthen your connection with nature. If you can’t plant a tree, then let the wind and nature spirits lead you to one to connect with. Find a tree that’ll be “your tree.” The tree you go to, to meditate, do ritual, craft, and commune with spirits with.

There isn’t a path, to my knowledge, that worships animals and nature specifically, besides Shamanism, but that’s not something you just go into to. It’s a cultural and heritage path where you have to be chosen, or I suppose, it chooses you.

However, Paganism is very much nature and animal oriented (not necessarily or directly the worship of animals, but a great respect for them). At least with Paganism, you can incorporate its nature beliefs with whatever other spiritual beliefs you have without having to zone in one a specific religion, or at least for now, until, if, you find something that you are strongly more drawn to.

Blessed Be