I’ve read a lot about spirituality over the past couple of years, but I don’t feel like I really know anything. I want to learn more about meditation, chakras, astral projection, hypnosis – what reading material could you recommend?

“I am in a place in my life where I feel that I am ready to delve into the ocean of spirituality. I’ve read a lot about it all over the past couple of years, but I don’t feel like I REALLY know anything yet. Everything seems so cluttered and poorly explained. The YouTube videos look very attractive, but that’s where it ends. I want to seriously learn about meditation, chakras, consciousness, astral projection, manifestation, hypnotism, etc. Is there any reading material that you could recommend on these and related topics? I’d like to read both books and articles on the web. Please keep in mind that I am a beginner and merely 19 years old.”


A lot of texts about religion and spirituality is somewhat cluttered and poorly explained, because most of those texts (especially books or articles) are opinion based and written in how the author sees, feels, and believes about the topic they’re writing. So not everything, or all the information, is always there. Especially specific information a reader might be looking for. It’s worse when you read so many different opinions and arguments that you can’t even create your own opinion about it because of all the “randomness” that you’d read.

Meditation is one of the easier lessons to learn. Well, it’s easy to learn the forms and ways to practice – it’s the actual doing it part that’s tricky (for some). Have you read my post about guided meditation, chakras, hypnosis, and astral projection? It could be helpful to you. Meditation and chakras (chakra cleansing) are very doable and information is ample on the web. Hypnotism, astral projection, etc. are not so doable. Because hypnosis, astral projection, consciousness and manifestation (depending on what  you mean) are very specific techniques that have to do with more than just relaxing your mind and body. Some might argue that they’re not even real things to be able to do (i.e. astral projection isn’t real, or hypnosis is faked).

The books listed on my Wicca 101 books page are all excellent books that I highly recommend reading. They all include information about concentration, energy, meditation, chakras, auras, etc. Those books would be a great start to begin your reading and research. Some of the better books that aren’t necessarily Craft-related like meditation or chakras aren’t even in the “metaphysical” section. Usually they’re close by, but sometimes it’s in its own section or spot, so don’t think you have to only look in the metaphysical section to find books that might interest you.


Blessed Be

I have a lock of my deceased mother’s hair that I want to braid with a lock of my hair. Is this something I can do? Is there some kind of blessing or ritual to perform?

“Hello. My mother passed away almost a year ago. While she was still alive but unresponsive, I clipped a lock of her hair. After she passed, the day before her memorial, I had my hair trimmed and kept a lock of my hair. I wanted to braid them together and keep as maybe a Talisman or something. But before I do, I would like some advice if this is a good idea and if there is some blessing of some kind I could say or perform. I would appreciate any help you can me. Blessed Be.”


There’s nothing wrong with braiding the locks of hair together, as long as you don’t plan on doing anything magickal (spells) with it. This can be a beautiful and powerful talisman for healing, guidance, protection, and courage.

You can braid the hairs in a very non-formal setting, or do it during a moon ritual. As far as saying something, anything simple like asking that your mother’s spirit help guide you, and/or give you courage and protection. Or you can recite a eulogy. Anything that just comes out naturally with love and high regards to her.

You can then hang this talisman somewhere safe; around your bed somewhere, in your car, in your dresser, or even on your altar. You can also use it during divination or spirit contact (if you’re trying to contact her).

However, as much as we always want our parent(s) to be with us even after they have passed, sometimes creating these types of talisman’s using parts of their body (hair, nails, skin, blood, etc.) can create a bond, or a hold, of their spirit in our world. This might sometimes give you overwhelming feelings of her watching you or being there ALL the time. I’m not saying this will happen, but it is a possibility. Factors like the type of person your mother was, the energies you raise or have around you during the making of the talisman, how protected your area is of wandering energies and spirits during the making, etc.

If something like that does happen, you can simply burn the talisman to execute the bond of their spirit being stuck in our world. This doesn’t mean you’ve rid them forever – it just means they won’t be in a world where they’re not supposed to be in for very long.

Blessed Be