Do you know any spells to help kids sleep and feel safe? I’ve tried a simple consecration ritual but it didn’t feel strong enough…HELP!

“Do you know any spells to help kids sleep and feel safe? I’ve tried a simple consecration ritual but it didn’t feel strong enough…HELP!”


There are a few ways that I like to do to help me sleep and feel safe. Drinking chamomile tea during my nightly getting-ready-for-bed ritual is usually always a must. Though kids might not like the sometimes potent taste of chamomile, adding mint or peppermint to it with some honey or sugar makes the taste a little more tolerable.

To help keep my mind calm and stop racing ideas a thousand miles a minute, I chant the Goddess Chant: “Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hekate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna.” It’ll both help induce sleep and call upon the goddesses to watch over you.

Tying crystals on some string and hanging them on each corner of the bed will create a protected space. Charge these crystals to banish all evil and negativity. Or you can just place them on the floor behind each corner leg.

Finally, sachets. Sachets are a wonderful tool that can be worn or placed under the pillow. Creating a sachet with beneficial herbs for sleep and insomnia can really help ease and calm the self and mind. Creating a sachets with herbs like chamomile, lavender, hops, valerian, kava kava, st. john’s wort, and linden can truly and natural help anyone sleep soundly.

A sachet for protection might include herbs like sage, bay leaf, angelica, basil, cinnamon, dragonsblood, lavender, rosemary, garlic, st. john’s wort, comfrey, and a handful of other herbs that you might even have in your kitchen cabinet.


Blessed Be